2023 Scouting for Food
A Scout promises “to help other people at all times.” There is no better way to show our Scouting Spirit than by participating in the annual Scouting for Food drive! Now is the time to show our community the Scouting values of being loyal, helpful, kind and cheerful.
Between February 18th and 25th, Troop 604 are helping make a difference to fight hunger. Scouting for Food is the leading service program for Boy Scouts of America and is a part of the national BSA program – Good Turn for America.
At an upcoming meeting, bags and fliers will be made available for participating Scouts. Scouting for Food begins on Saturday, February 18th, as Scouts distribute bags and fliers in their neighborhoods to announce the upcoming food drive. Scouts then return the following Saturday, February 25th, to pick up and deliver donations to their local food banks and pantries.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact adult organizers.