
Troop 604


Last Updated: April 2004

I.                     MEMBERSHIP

A.      Active Scouts are those who:

1.       Are registered in the Boy Scouts of America and in Troop 604;

2.       Observe the Scout Oath and the principles of scouting;

3.       Are up to date in the payments of dues and fees. No Scout should fall behind more than 60 days without the approval of the Scoutmaster.

4.       Regularly attend troop and patrol meetings;

5.       Engage in camping and special activities of the troop;

6.       Advance to higher ranks at regular intervals under the guidance of the Scoutmaster.

B.      Inactive Scouts are those who: (As determined by the Scoutmaster and/or a Board of Review convened by the Troop Committee.)

1.       Do not engage in any Scout activities within a 30-day period without notification and approval by the Scoutmaster;

2.       Are recommended for disciplinary action for serious offenses, such as injuring another scout or adult;

3.       Do not advance in rank within a reasonable time;

4.       May not participate in camping and special activities until they are on the active list.

C.      Inactive Scouts may be reinstated by:

1.       A scout who supplies acceptable reasons to the Patrol Leader for missed patrol meetings and supplies acceptable reasons to the Scoutmaster for missed troop meetings, campouts, and other activities;

2.       A scout who satisfies all requirements for payment of back-dues;

3.       A scout who expresses a sincere intention to adhere to the principles of scouting.

D.      Troop shall, in general, be limited to 30 active Scouts on a first-come, first-served basis, but more Scouts can be allowed to join if the following conditions are met:

a.       Troop Committee and Scoutmaster approve.

b.       Sufficient availability of Assistant Scoutmasters who actively assist the program as determined by the Scoutmaster and/or the Committee.

II.                   VENTURE TEAM

A.  The troop will maintain its existing patrol structure; Scouts may or may not also be on the

     “Venture Team”, which will focus on planning and participation in “high adventure” activities.

B.  Venture Team Membership should be based on the following general guidelines.

1.       Desire to participate

2.       14 years or older

3.       Physical Conditioning

4.       Commitment to troop functions

5.       Rank of Star or higher

6.       The final decision on membership will be up to the Scoutmaster or the Assistant Scoutmaster assigned to the Venture Team.

III.                  GOVERNANCE

A.      The Scoutmaster will guide the Troop according to the principles of the Boy Scouts of America and national by-laws.

B.      Parents are encouraged to take leadership positions in the Troop or on the Troop Committee. (All parents are required to help in some form).

C.      The Troop Committee will support the Troop and help  by performing the following:

1.        Assist in organizing and providing qualified supervision for Troop activities.

2.       Provide members to serve on Troop Boards of Review (see Section IV).

3.       Ensure quality adult leadership is recruited and trained.

4.       Ensure the Troop program is carried out in accordance with the policies of the Boy Scouts of America.

5.       Arbitrate complaints against the Troop adult leadership and notify the Charted Organization Representative of unresolved issues in writing.

6.       Perform other functions as generally described in the BSA Publication, “Troop Committee Guidebook.”

D.      The Scoutmaster  shall organize a Patrol Leader’s Council in accordance with the Scoutmaster’s Handbook.

E.      The Troop Committee shall meet on a regular basis and at least nine times per year.

F.      Any Troop 604 registered Leader or registered Committee Member is eligible to vote.  A quorum of the Troop Committee is defined as a minimum of 33% of the Committee Members but not less than 5 people.  To change the by-laws there must be a minimum of 50 % of all eligible voters, and a two-thirds vote of that group.


A.      The Troop 604 Committee will approve a Chairman from its membership as often as needed.

B.      The Troop Scouts will hold elections twice a year, or at such times as deemed appropriate by the Scoutmaster.

C.      Elections shall be conducted in the following manner:

1.       Only active Scouts are entitled to vote or hold office;

2.       The Senior Patrol Leader shall be elected by the Troop;

3.       Patrol leaders shall be elected by the Patrol. Patrol leader candidates should be First Class or above, when possible.

4.       Troop Officers, including the Scribe, Quartermaster, Bugler, and others, shall be  elected by the Troop Scouts and approved by the Scoutmaster.  Scouts should be First Class or higher to hold office.

V.                  ADVANCEMENT

A.      The Board of Review shall consist of members of the Troop Committee.  A minimum of three and a maximum of six Troop Committee members shall serve on the Board of Review.  Assistant Scoutmasters and parents of advancement candidates are ineligible to sit on the Board.

B.      To earn progress awards, the Scout shall appear in full Scout uniform before the Board of Review and present his completed record.

C.    Progress awards may be worn after certification by the Board of Review.  However, the official presentation of the awards shall be made at the Court of Honor, to be held up to four times a year, as arranged by the Troop Committee or Scoutmaster.

D.      A regular review of the individual Scout’s progress will be performed by the Scoutmaster, the Assistant Scoutmaster of the Scout’s patrol, or a representative delegated by the Scoutmaster.

VI.                PROPER ATTIRE

A.      The Scoutmaster, in consultation with the Troop Committee, has the power to decide appropriate attire while generally adhering to the following guidelines:

1.       For formal ceremonies, such as Courts of Honor, the Scout shall wear a full dress class “A” uniform, complete with Scout shirt with epaulets, neckerchief, merit badge sash (if applicable), Scout socks and Scout pants;

2.       For meetings, a full Scout uniform shall be worn.  Scouts should wear a Scout shirt, neckerchief, and either Scout long pants or shorts with Scout socks.  The Scoutmaster or Senior Patrol Leader will inform the Troop of any exceptions.

B.      For informal meetings, such as campouts, the Scout may wear a Scout tee-shirt and cap. However, the Scout shirt must be worn in vehicles.


A.   Adult Leaders may send Scouts home from any Scouting activity as discipline, provided that   transportation is available, parents can be notified, and the safety of the Scout is guaranteed.

C.      Patrol Leaders may discipline Scouts of their Patrols by imposing extra duties, with agreement of the Senior Patrol Leader and the adult in charge.


A.      Dues are payable at the rate of $20.00 per Scout for every quarter.

B.      All expenditures require Committee approval, and receipts to be handed to the Treasurer.  The Scoutmaster and Advancement Chair, or designee is granted permission to purchase essential troop items or awards.

C.      Troop funds shall be used for Scouting activities only.

D.      The Committee shall be responsible for determining the annual registration fees.

E.      Two signatures are required on all Troop checks.  At least four members of the Troop Committee will have the power to sign the checks.

F.      Parents should make an attempt to drive on outings whenever possible, or be prepared to contribute to gas costs.

G.     An audit of the Troop financial records may be performed at any time the Committee feels it necessary and whenever the Treasurer changes.  The audit committee shall be selected by the Troop Committee, and will not include the current treasurer.


A.      The by-laws are an instrument of Troop 604 and are subject to approval by the Troop Committee.  On April 28, 2004, the Troop Committee voted to approve these by-laws.

B.      Members of the Troop Committee must receive a month’s notice in advance of any contemplated changes in these by-laws.

            Signatories of these by-laws are:




            Troop Committee Chairman


            Chartered Organization Representative

            Please sign both parts, keep the top and return the bottom part to the Scoutmaster:

            I have read the by-laws of Boy Scout Troop 604, and agree to abide by them.

            ————————————–                                  ————————————-

            Scout’s signature                                                           Parent’s signature


            I have read the by-laws of Boy Scout Troop 604, and agree to abide by them.

            ————————————–                                  ————————————-

            Scout’s signature                                                           Parent’s signature