
Troop 604

Reyes Creek Backpack Trip on 10/7/23

Due to weather concerns for this weekend ,we have re-scheduled the Reyes Creek Backpack for the following week (October 7).

Stoney Point Rappel on 11/18

The Stoney Point Rappel will be scheduled for Saturday November 18th. Please keep in mind, this is the Saturday before Thanksgiving week.

Coastal Cleanup Day on 9/24/23

Hi Everyone, Just a friendly reminder about the troop’s community service activity on Saturday at Coastal Cleanup Day from 9 am to noon. The event will take place right here in Moorpark (you don’t have to drive to the coast to participate) at Villa Campesino Park, located at 4704 Leta Yancy Road.. The City of…
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Court of Honor on 10/2/23

We will be having our next Court of Honor on October 2nd.

Supervisor Parvin visits Troop 604 on 9/18/23

On September 18th, Supervisor Parvin will be attending our meeting and will speak with the Scouts. This is a great opportunity for the Scouts to learn about city and county government and to fulfill requirements for the Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge and rank advancement too (see First Class 9a). Please have your Scout…
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Flag Placement at Westlake Cemetery

To prepare for Memorial Day ceremonies, scouts will place American flags next to the graves of veterans. This will take place the Saturday before from 10am to 12pm.

Lock-In at Church Youth Room on June 30th

Troop 604 will be camping indoors at our host church from 7pm-7am starting Friday, June 30th. There will be games such as pool, air hockey, and foosball, followed by pizza, ice cream, and a movie. Bring sleeping bags and a topping.

Camping at Chula Vista Campground on Mt. Pinos on July 7th

Troop 604 will be camping at Mt. Pinos from July 7-9 and hiking to Sheep Camp. The altitude is around 8800 ft and is good practice for future backpacking trips.

Camping near Mt. Pinos on June 10th

In addition to Sage Ranch which is on June 3rd, there is another overnight Camping opportunity for the scouts. I was planning on an overnight on June 10 to the Mt. Pinos area, which is now open. It would be at the Chula Vista Campground. It’s a nice tent camping area close to the Mt.…
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2023 Memorial Day Flag Ceremony

Troop 604 this year Memorial Day will be held on May 29. It is a great tradition the troop and scouts get to be a part of for our community.